Monday, February 05, 2007

It's been awhile. So alot has happened with us around here and it has affected Dominic quite a bit. My first hospital stay from having Mia didn't really phase the kids too much. The 2nd stay though for the pancreatitis though turned him into a mess. He was crying alot, got a bit of an attitude at school, and fits got pretty bad for my parents. I was still so sore when I came home that my grandmother was coming to help. There was one day when she went to get him off the bus. I was there that morning but when he saw my Grandma was there to get him off the bus, he flipped. He came in the house and fell on his knees wailing. I asked him if he thought I was gone again and he said "yes." It was heartbreaking the first week home. The boys were like little monkeys clinging to me. Then Dominic had a major anger thing going on and started being really mean and not listening to me at all. He was so bad I was crying all the time. I even went back to his pediatrician crying and asked him about getting him on the meds. When though he called me about putting him on the meds, I couldn't buck up and do it and I said things were better. They are a bit better but he's still got fits going on at home. He's doing really good at school again.
One major thing that came out of all this was that his teacher sent home all his pull ups saying he's doing a great job and she didn't think he needed them anymore. Ever since then he's been going to school in underwear. He hasn't pooped his pants in atleast a month. It's been AWESOME. He's still having a pee accident maybe once or twice a week but he's been wearing underwear when we go out in public and has never had an accident. I think I can say, we finally have him potty trained completely now, and before he turned 4. Potty training this boy has been one crazy ride. I'm glad it's finally done!
Our next step now as Mia starts growing is to get him to a child psychologist which we are both for. We have insurance for it, we might as well do it. We also are going to try a Homeopathic herbal route with Dominic. It's especially made for children with ADHD. I still haven't purchased it but we've known about it for awhile. Things are just so crazy around here and with me forgetting, it's going to take a major fit or meltdown for me to remember "oh yeah! I need to buy that."

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