Does anyone have a kid that won't stay out of the fridge? We bought a fridge lock and MOST of the time I remember to lock it. Well I forgot this morning. Dominic actually came to me bringing me this pudding container he ate for breakfast. Don't ya love how he opened it? I'm not sure but I bet he used some of my craft sissors that I found in his room. He's been coming and grabbing them out of the kitchen and taking off with food products that he likes and trying to open them.
Now there's no way he can lie and say one of the daycare kids did this....I mean the proofs all over his face.
Here's some nice Electrosol Gels that he's popped open and got on the floor. Not only is this Dishwasher soap which he should not be climbing on the counter top and getting but it's a pain in the butt to clean because it's GEL.