Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Book Shopping

While venturing out for supper with the crew, we stopped by a big music/book store in town. D headed to the Xbox games, I headed to the books. Dominic decided he wanted to come with me which was ok......till we got in the book section. It's like going to the library and he was just off the wall running around the bookshelves, grabbing books looking at them and putting them wherever, and laughing at pictures of baby butts on the covers. I must have asked him 20 times to stay in the area I was but he was just running all over. (sigh) So I didn't get to shop that much. I did find a few books but didn't find the two I was looking for. I did find quite a few for ADHD and I think I may go back and pick up ADHD for Dummies. I did not however find Raising yor Spirited Child or the Out-Of Sync Child. Amazon has an amazing selection of books so I may just go back, look at books, write down the titles and order online since it's cheaper buying used.

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