Thursday, April 10, 2008

Today Is The Day

Dominic's IEP review is today. Why is today's meeting any different than the last 2 year reviews? Well, this is the big one. Transitioning him to Kindergarten. Dave is coming with me so we will see how this goes down. The School Psychologist, School Speech Path, Kindergarten teachers, and Special Ed Teacher and of course Kris his Special Ed teacher from EI will be there. This will be the most overwhelming meeting I've had to endure so far. I know only good will come of it but it's where we have 1 agency letting us go and now we'll deal directly with the School District with Dominic. To me it's scary but maybe I'm scared of nothing, I don't know. lol I still have no clue what his review scores have been except that social did not change at all from the previous year. Wish us luck.

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