Today there was a Chili Cookoff downtown. We usually go every year since they have stuff for the kids to do like the moonwalk and junk. The kids all handled walking around while we got Chili samples at the booths quite well. When we walked by the Downtown Thomas the Train store though, all hell broke lose. He was not budging and stood right next to the door. We tried everything to get him to come willingly but since it didn't work, Dave ended up carrying him over his shoulder while he kicked and screamed. He also threw a fit in the grass because we wouldn't let him go for a 2nd time in the Moonwalk. It was funny because the shirt he's wearing is the one that says "I don't act like this at home." He was pretty upset but after we let him play a game and he got a lollipop he was much better. He also got some free icecream from a merchant so that made him happy too.