Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Dr's Appointment

Today Dominic had his Dr's Appointment to see if we could figure out what's going on. I was pretty happy with it. This was the Pediatrician I had mentioned was against meds or even the diagnosis of ADHD. I told him bascially all the problems.
  • we have a hard time taking him anywhere because of how out of control he gets
  • his teachers have tried all their "techniques" and they are no longer working
  • he never naps and is up from 7-9PM and there's no down time
  • he is fixated on Thomas the train 24/7. He plays with nothing else.
  • he constantly beats up on his brother, jumps on his sister.
  • taking away Thomas for bad behavior makes him go nuts and he'll throw things, kick walls, and beat his head in the wall.
  • We constantly tell him no on things yet he does them over and over minutes later.
  • He gets very upset over stupid things.

We talked for awhile about it he said he will give meds to the kids under 5 that are really harming themselves and others so that was good to hear. BUT I think he now knows that something is not right. Dominic was ALL OVER the little room we were in. Imagine a chimp in a zoo exhibit. He played with the blood pressure cuffs, the doors, he shut the lights off on us 3 times, he playfully kicked and clapped his hands for awhile, digged through my purse, he'd lay down then get up, he'd crawl under the chairs, he'd jump in place and then crawl on his knees and this was all in a 20 minute span. I was really hoping he'd show his true colors there and our Dr agrees he is "one active fella." So now we are taking these tests called Connor ADHD tests I believe is what they are called. After Dave and I and the two teachers fill them out, he will grade them and see what Dominic qualifies as. If it's just he's got some behavior issues then we may have to see someone else because he says he does nothing with Behavior Disorders. So that is where we are.


Rhonda said...

Glad you are getting the test done at least. I hope you find out something soon.

Rach said...

Hi there. I found you through Jess' blog and felt compelled to post. You are ABSOLUTELY doing the right thing for you and your family. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise--especially the in-laws. You are correct in that they have no idea what you go through daily.

I teach second grade (collaborative special ed) and see so many kids who exhibit Dominic's behaviors and the parents are in denial. You are seeking help for your son so he can be a happier little man and I respect you for it. Good luck!