Sunday, February 17, 2008

Daddy's Had It and Mommy has too.

Friday night was so much fun. Damien who usually loves mashed potatoes and gravy puked them up all over in a bowl at the table. I pushed Dominic down under the table so he wouldn't see and be set off. Dave had to help since I was on the other side but afterwards stood up and announced, "I'm so sick of this!!!!! This is such bullshit!!!!" Oh like I'm not sick of it!?!?!?!

Saturday I put a shirt on Dominic. "ITCHY!!! It's ITCHY! I don't want to wear this!" I had to walk off. This is draining us. I put a cotton long sleeve T on him and he was fine for about a hour. Then we started tearing at his back again saying it hurt. I told him to have Daddy change it but Dominic needed to find a shirt he could wear the rest of the day. It worked I guess because we didn't have to switch again.

Dominic has been an emotional mess again. He's cried alot today about Damien bugging him playing with his toys or bugging him while playing the Xbox. He cries so much over stupid things. I just don't even know how to handle it anymore. What a fun weekend this was! lol

1 comment:

mommy~dearest said...

Hang in there, Sweetie! It does get better. Sometimes you do just have to walk away and regroup.

Have you found out which materials are tolerable and which ones are not? Once I found a shirt that Jaysen would wear, I went back out and bought like 6 of the same shirt- 2 of every color.

These times can be so tough, but as you learn more and more, you'll be able to head things off before they arise.

You're doing a wonderful job with your beautiful boys.