Thursday, February 14, 2008


Yesterday I got another call from the assistant teacher this time telling me I needed to come pick up because Dominic just threw up in a trash can at lunch. They would not be putting him on the bus and I have to come get him NOW and he's not to come back to school tomorrow. The way she said it pissed me off. If he's sick, it's usually a very easy thing to pick out. So I changed the other 2, got coats and shoes and we drove to the school which is about 10 minutes from our house. I went in through the gym and the nastiest smell hit me. They were having some awful looking Ravioli. Dominic was sitting in the office waiting for me since the 2nd preschool class had started and they needed to put him somewhere. He was fine so we started going back through the gym because I wanted to ask what happened. They told me he was just sitting there looking around then he got up and walked to the trash can and threw up. I almost wanted to say the smell in the gym made me want to throw up so I see why he did but I kept my mouth shut. By this time Dominic and Damien are jumping and playing around. Dominic's not acting sick. I tell her before I left, "well I hope you guys are right that it's stomach flu because he throws up at our table nearly everyday. It's not a big deal for him to get sick at home and that's why Kris is going to be evaluating him for SID." She probably doesn't even know what the hell that means.

We come home and he's fine all day. Stomach flu for any of us is only a 24 hour thing. They were trying to tell me Monday he was tired and Tuesday he was acting sick. He's completely fine here. No throwing up at home, played with trains, transformers, and watched some Thomas movies. He fought with Mia about getting off his train track, he did not act sick after bringing him home. I asked him if he felt sick and he said no. We even took him to Awana last night and he had a blast. So anyways today is Valentine's day and he's missing out of his party because they say he is not to come today. He is going to be so upset if he sees Alex with her Valentines from school and he has nothing. There's no school friday and next week they don't even HAVE school so I'm calling the office to tell the receptionist to make sure Alex gets his stuff because he's already pissed he can't go to school.

I am so mad and oh don't start Dave back up on this because he's ready to lay into the teachers. If they can prove to us some sort of stomach flu then fine but when he's acting great but the food looks and smells like shit, then I'm sure that's what set him off.

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