Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Same Shit Different Day

There really isn't nothing new to post on Dominic's little explorations. Everything I could say would just be a repeat and we don't want to do that!

Friday night during a treasure hunt at the zoo, Dominic picked up a bunch of sand and threw it in a 4 yr old little boy's eyes! I didn't even realize he had done it till Dave yelled at me to stop him! I felt so bad for the little boy who was crying because he had sand all over him. I scolded Dominic but that's about all I could do. He then proceded to throw sand in my hair and on my shirt! Guess he figured if he couldn't do it to him he'd do it to me!

Saturday we went to a Thomas the Tank store that sells nothing but Thomas train items.
Note to Self: Never take an train addicted toddler to a train store.
Bad Bad Idea. We had a hell of a time getting out of the store once he saw all the blue Thomas crap. He started screaming "choo chooo!!!!!! Mamma choo choo! Daddy choo choo!" He then started grabbing any and everything he could get his hands on and then tried to break the buckles off the stroller so he could get out and run around. This place was WAY over priced and I didn't want anything broke because then we'd have to pay for it. It takes Dom about 20 seconds sometimes to break a brand new toy. Well after having gallons of tears escape from his eyes we got the hell out of there. We bought him a Thomas cup and train whistle. Dave and I are going to go there sometime without him and see what we can find him for Christmas.

Sunday we went to Sams to get some food. Dominic was quite angry because he hates their double basket where 2 kids can sit in the front. He always beats his sister and Dave was getting onto him about being good. He then took a train we bought him at Dollar Tree and threw it at a man next to us hitting him in the shoulder just barely missing his head!!! I told the guy I was really sorry and we took Dominic's train away which made him turn into a rabid chimp with his screetching and monkey moves trying to get out of his seatbelt in the basket. Oh brother. Dave finally gave it back, shoved tons of samples in his mouth and we got out of the store safely without anyone else getting hurt.

1 comment:

S said...

You know, my sister's son Nathan is a bit like Dominic. Nathan is a big kid too - looks like a five year old and he isn't even 4 yet. I really don't think he means ill most of the time, but he's just bigger and stronger. I'm sure one day both Nathan and Dominic will mellow out and become gentle giants!