Tuesday, October 03, 2006

We received back the Connor Rating Scale Test that we gave to Dominic's teacher to fill out. You score him from 0-3 (3 being very often on the question and 0 as none or not often) There are 28 questions. She scored 9 as Very often. I thought I'd list the Very Oftens.

Inattentive, easily distracted
Actively defies or refuses to compy with adults' requests
Acts as if driven by a motor
Cannot sit still
Argues with adults
temper outbursts, explosive, unpredictable behavior
Has difficulty laying or engaging in leisure activities quietly
Excitable, impulsive.

Then she scored 7 #2's and that means they are pretty much true, often, happen quite a bit.
These are....

Restless in a squirmy sense
fidets with hands or feet or squirms in seat
short attention spn
only pays attention to things he is really interested in
Distractibility or attention span a problem
Runs around or climbs excessively in situations where it's inappropriate
Always up and on the go

Good thing is he doesn't forget things, disturb other children, or leave his seat, waits his turn, interupts others or fails to finish what he starts. I guess only scoring a 1 or just alittle true is good for those right?? Ugh. God this sucks. Now Dave and I have our tests to fill out and we're both dreading it, that's why it hasn't been done yet.

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